Saturday, 13 March 2010

The Guitarist model boom pow!


  1. well done, Dave! :-)

    How's things in the 'laboratory?'

  2. Steaming ahead as usual :P
    Looks lush mate ;)

  3. Great stuff Dave, love the style.

  4. Hi Dave,

    Please see below from the New Designers' Team - obviously, it relates to Timothy Winters in the first instance.

    New Designers PR requirements

    We need the following information and images from you to assist us with the advance and preview PR effort for the whole event. Please bear in mind that this information is collective – representing a course and its graduates. The information is required as soon as possible – preferably before the end of April. Obviously, some projects will not be completed in this timescale and subsequent information should be collated in the same format as indicated here and sent to Articulate Communication.

    1. Please ask your students to individually prepare:

    a) a succinct description in a Microsoft Word Doc of the project(s) they will be exhibiting at New Designers – including details in the following order: student name, university, course, contact phone and email, project title, purpose, how it works, what it is made from, who it is aimed at;

    b) 2-3 images of the project as jpegs. We need low and high res formats for each photo ie 72dpi <100kb; 300dpi 2mb max. Every image must be individually labelled with project/item title, designer’s name, university.

    2. The sooner that we have the information the better. One or two titles are already working on their May/June issues!

    Also - a reminder about the ND prepare day on Friday 23rd April:

    New Designers would like to invite students to New Designers Prepare Day 2010.

    Friday 23 April 2010, 1pm – 5pm: Business Design Centre, Islington, London, N1 0QH

    New Designers Prepare Day will be hosting an afternoon of seminars to help you and your students prepare for the forthcoming event.

    We will be covering:

    How to get the best out exhibiting
    What an awards judge looks for at New Designers
    Costing and Pricing
    How to write a Press Release
    What the press are looking for

    This is also a great opportunity to meet the team and ask us any questions you wish. There will be a mock up stand for you to see, this will give you an idea of how to lay out your stand and what lighting and electrics you should invest in. We will also wrap up the day with a glass of wine, again giving you an opportunity to chat to the team and the speakers.
